Miramichi Fishing Report for Thursday, October 29, 2015
This week completes another season of angling, with the last part, Striped Bass, finishing Saturday. With only two days left, get out for a final fish during this retention period. It will be a long winter before we can hit the waters again.
By most accounts, this past season was a much better one than last for Atlantic salmon and a good one for bass. As of yesterday I saw several keepers landed when the tide was anything but helpful.
A special THANKS to our sponsors and sources who make this column possible, and to Terry Matchett and his staff for doing an excellent job of putting the column on-line for our readers. As well, a big THANK YOU to all who made donations to keep this weekly report going. Your support is very much appreciated.
A THANKS to all who sent e-mails, suggestions, information and photos. These really enhance the column. And as I have always said, I consider this “OUR” column, not mine. You all have helped make it so!
With the season over it is time to start on next year. An excellent first step toward a successful 2016 season is to begin it today by properly putting equipment away and getting repairs done so all is ready for next April 15.
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The wise angler will take a few minutes to examine his equipment and properly prepare it for winter storage.
First take a look at your waders. They should be thoroughly checked for leaks, dried and stored in a cool dry place. A good hint I picked up from Everett Mosher is to take them into totally dark room. Take a flashlight and insert it into the waders and look for any light coming through. Then patch the lighted area.
Stephen Pond of Doaktown suggests avoiding storage in the furnace room as the high heat could cause them to crack and produce an unpleasant surprise next spring. Pond even suggested putting some newspaper in the boot part. If they are moist, mould will set in. If the waders are the type without a boot, make sure they are rolled and not folded, as the creases will crack.
George Routledge of George’s Fly Shop in Renous suggests hanging them up side down, or if they are hung by the braces, make sure they barely touch the floor with no wrinkles in them.
Next comes the rod. It definitely should be taken apart if still together or it may never come apart. Dry it and wipe it down removing all dirt and dampness. Make sure the cork handle is dry and then store out of the way it in a place with moderate temperature until next spring. This will ensure it does not get other stuff piled on it so that it can get broken. A bit of parawax on the male end will make it fit better next year. This is even a good practice several times throughout the season.
Be sure to check all the guides to see if they need repair or that there is no fraying of the binding. If a touch up is needed, now is the time to get it done rather than next spring the night before you plan to go out the next morning only to find it still in need of repair. If the rod has to be sent back to a company or taken to a local fly shop, do it now rather then be without it a month or so next spring when you need it.
Next check the fly-line. It should be reeled off including the backing, stretched, cleaned and let dry. Once, dry, it can be coiled loosely and stored for next season.
To clean it, Routledge suggested plain water, and Pond added using silicone to grease-clean it. Cortland puts out small pads which sell for about six for a dollar. These can do several lines. This helps against cracking.
Pond suggested removing the backing and throwing it away if it is over three years old. This might save losing a nice bright grilse or salmon (not to mention the line itself) next June.
Routledge suggested taking the reel completely apart, letting it dry and cleaning all dirt from it. Then it should be given a covering of light oil that is heat resistant. He suggested 2 in 1, Singer sewing machine oil or a light gun-oil. He cautioned against using WD-40 as it is a penetrating substance.
Now look at the fly box. Take out all flies so that both the flies and box can dry thoroughly. This will stop them from rusting and ruining them as well as the metal boxes. Make sure the box is clean.
Then organize the flies as you put them back with the spring streamers in one area, the larger flies for June and early July in another, the summer flies and smaller hooks for late July and August together and then the fall patterns together. Starting off will be a lot simpler.
Pond then suggested that some even put the open box in a Tupperware container with a couple of mothballs to make sure nothing eats the hair and feathers. Make sure everything is completely dry before sealing.
Don’t forget the flies, which are still on the vest or in the hat, or where ever you keep them while on the river.
The vest itself should also be dry, pockets emptied of all debris and minuscule lunches, bottle tops, old fly dope containers and any other garbage which remains. It may even be washed or dry-cleaned to remove the ring-around-the collar from fly dope or what ever.
Then replace all the equipment and make sure the covers are on tightly on such bottles as gink or xink, dry fly sprays, fly dope, or scent etc. These can destroy a perfectly good vest.
Routledge suggested throwing away any leader that is no. 6 or 8 as it may rot causing you to lose a bright grilse next June. That is not worth the cost of a new roll. He said no. 10 and up could be kept providing it is not too old.
Even the landing net should be dry and stored. Don’t forget to put the polarized sun glasses and glasses holders back with the vest where you can find them next season.
If all of these simple things are done, it will put you in fine shape when the fever hits again next spring.
If a canoe, boat, trailer or motor needs tuning up or repairs, get them done now.
To pass winter nights, and still be in a fishing mode, maybe enroll in a fly-tying course, or learn to tie with a buddy. Catching a fish on a fly that you have tied doubles the pleasures, and a lot of stories, maybe even a few lies, can be shared at the tying bench. Visit your local tackle shops for equipment and suggestions.
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Next week: The angler’s Clip and Save Christmas shopping list.
PS: Daniel Porter reminds us not to forget to send in our catch reports for the season.
Don’t forget to show your support for our sponsors, because without them, this column would not be possible.
If you would like to sponsor this column, give us a call at (506) 352-7668 or email .
Thought for the Week: “Fishing provides that connection with the whole living world. It gives you the opportunity of being totally immersed, turning back into yourself in a good way. A form of meditation, some form of communion with levels of yourself that are deeper than the ordinary self.”
Ted Hughes
(From the MSA): Hi All
With the recreational angling season coming to a close for the year I hope everyone had an enjoyable and successful 2015 season. I do want to remind you that striped bass season is still open until the end of October with a retention period from October 24th – 31st. I have heard that they are returning to the rivers and since they have been feeding all summer they are a much nicer fish to eat now than in the spring.
During the retention period:
- anglers will be able to retain a maximum of one striped bass per day and will be prohibited from possessing more than one striped bass at any given time.
- the size window for the retention fishery is established at a minimal length of 50 cm and at a maximum length of 65 cm. The length is measured in a straight line from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail (total length);
- angling activities will begin two hours before sunrise and end two hours after sunset of each day;
- the use of a non-offset barbless circle hook is mandatory when bait is used while fishing for striped bass in tidal waters.
DFO has told us that an update on the striped bass spawner abundance is expected in December and the plan for the 2016 recreational striped bass fishery is available online on the Gulf Region Recreational Fishery website.
The 4th Annual “Jody Harrison Memorial Fall Salmon Classic” was held from October 1 to October 12 (extended this year because of the very high water on the first weekend) at the Otter Brook Salmon Club. Friends of Jody got together once again to remember a great friend and celebrate his life through their great passion for the sport of Atlantic Salmon fishing. They had a great turnout and everybody had a great time, fish were caught on several rivers: Cains, Renous, Southwest Miramichi and of course “their river the LSW Miramichi”. The “Lunker” award was won, for the second year in a row, by Geoff Barnett who landed a 15 lb male on the Cains. The participants this year were: Chris Barnett, Jim Garland, Derrick Bathurst, Shawn Dickson, Geoff Barnett and Greg MacDonald. The group raised $225.00, which was donated to the MSA NW Smolt Study in Jody’s memory.
Field Crew
The MSA field crew has been very busy this fall.
Beaver dams were identified throughout the river systems by fixed wing flights over the Northwest and the upper Southwest/Cains and by a helicopter flight generously donated by JD Irving over the upper end of the Southwest system. Crews canoed and hiked and removed many dams but found they had help from Mother Nature in breaching many of the dams during the high water event we had a couple of weeks ago.
Broodstock collection is finished for the season. Most of the salmon we have collected have been spawned out already though we still have a few to go. One beaver dam crew worked on Porter Brook (SWM) this week and spoke to many locals who said the salmon had not been jumping the falls as of yet. Another crew reported fish had moved up out of the Cains and up the Sabbies ready for spawning. Though spawning has not begun in some brooks/rivers as of yet it has in others so please treat the streams with care if four wheeling or travelling through.
Miramichi Tribute Dinner
There is still time to get your tickets for the dinner Thursday, October 29, 2015 as we recognize and pay tribute to Dr. James (Jim) McQuaid and his many years of commitment, service and generosity to the cause of salmon conservation. A long-time MSA Director, most recently serving as the Chair of the MSA Membership Committee, Jim continues to support conservation through his leadership role as an Honourary MSA Director. This very special event will take place at the Rodd Miramichi and will include dinner, some entertaining comments from a number of Jim’s friends and colleagues, and of course a number of fun raffles and a short auction. Please join us in recognizing a very special friend of the salmon by reserving your $50 ticket(s) today. Call MSA at either 506-622-4000 or 506-457-2220.
MSA River Cam
Thanks to the technical assistance and support and BellAliant, MCG Media (aka Mighty Miramichi) and ShadComm Ltd., the MSA has now been able to install a live web camera to allow all of us to watch (in real time) what’s going on with the Miramichi River. This will be a fun and informative tool to watch the seasons come and go on the river. Special thanks to Dan and Renate Bullock of Bullock’s Lodge in Boiestown for allowing us to install the camera at their home pool location. To watch the MSA River Cam, just go to our website www.miramichisalmon.ca and click the River Cam button on the right side of the page.
Carleton County Dinner – The 2nd Annual Carleton County MSA Conservation Dinner will be held on Tuesday, November 3, 2015 at the Covered Bridge Golf and Country Club. This year we are very pleased to be honouring Mr. Carl Ash, Past MSA Chairman 2002-2005, MSA Secretary-Treasurer 2005-2013, and current MSA Director. Tickets are only $40 each and include a delicious roast beef buffet dinner. Sure to be a sell-out event, reserve your ticket(s) today by calling the MSA at 506-457-2220.
Yours in Conservation
Thanks Doug, for including our dinner at the bottom of your weekly report, along with all the other great Dinner/Events that are taking place this fall.
We truly appreciate your support!!!!
Ron & Edna Cybulski
Moncton NB
Dinner Tickets
Tickets to the Moncton Fish & Game Association’s annual Sportsman’s Dinner are NOW ON SALE!
This annual event looks like it will be heading for another sell-out so you should plan to purchase your tickets soon … well in advance … to avoid any disappointment.
Traditionally, the tickets have been sold through a series of re-sellers (members of the Assoc) who call on their list of people who have purchased them in previous years. The re-sellers should have them in the very near future and they should be making contact with you.
If you are not sure if you are on anyone’s list , then please email us at and we will make arrangements to get one or a few to you.
For those individuals or groups who have purchased tickets from Ed Sherrard in the past, please be advised that Mike Breneol will be contacting you as he now has the lists.
For those new members who have no idea what this event is all about, please give me a shout sometime at 866-8620 and I can bring you up to speed on why you need to attend this fun filled event.
The event this year will be held as follows:
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Coverdale Rec Center, Riverview, NB
Doors open at 6 PM with the meal served at 7 PM
Tickets are: $60 (and must be presented at the door for entrance).
Major Prize: John Deere Generator (high capacity)
2nd Prize: Upper Oxbow Fishing Trip
3rd Prize: Fly Fishing Outfit (supplied by Eskape Anglers – Bryant Freeman)
4th Prize: Rifle
There are literally THOUSANDS of dollars of other prizes avail. Silent auctions and raffle draws will be the order of the night.
Thank you,
Robert Snider
Another salmon fishing season for the history books. Your fishing report was greatly appreciated.
As in the past you will surely provide us with tips on the care and storing of our fishing gear.
A suggestion for your final report:
For those hard core salmon anglers who continue to dream the next salmon fishing season by tying their personal flies is it possible that you could provide us with the top ( 10 or so) flies that you would recommend from the reports you wrote over the past fishing season?
All the best and no doubt your 2016 Miramichi Fishing Report is anticipated.
Maurice Levesque
Dieppe Fly Tying Club
Maurice: This is not very scientific, but the most common would probably be (No particular order) White-tailed Green Machine, Same-Thing-Murrays, Shady Ladies, Black Ghosts, Bear Hairs (various coloured butts :old-timers used to say Green until August, then Red after), Carter’s Bug, Marabous (variety of colours), Muddler Minnows, General Practitioners and Ally’s Shrimps.
Steve Appleby wrote
Pretty good striped bass fishery South Shore Bay of Fundy as you can see.
Thank you Doug !
Atlantic Salmon Federation News – Friday, Oct. 23, 2015
ASF RIVERNOTES – Atlantic salmon headed for spawning
A look at the Nova Scotia salmon angling scene this week, and some thoughts on spawning season coming up across the North American range of the species.
ASF is calling on DFO to compensate the river impacted by the fishway fiasco with additional conservation resources. The media release includes the embedded video from News from the Regions, a one-minute overview of the issue by ASF’s Don Ivany
NASF Norway and their Oslo Auction
The North Atlantic Salmon Fund’s organization in Norway is having a fundraising auction on Oct. 29. Check out the catalog, that can be downloaded as a .pdf
Until next week

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.