Miramichi Counselling Centre – Helping Improve Quality of Life

Today, perhaps more than at any other time in history, society is aware of the connections between physical and mental health. We recognize the ways in which they impact each other and understand that caring for our mental health is essential to our overall well being.

For many of us, counselling offers the support we need when we are struggling with life issues. The purpose of therapy is to improve our quality of life. To make the positive changes we are able to make, but may not know how.

In May, services available in the area expanded when Miramichi Counselling Centre (MCC) opened its doors. The MCC team offers mental health services from four professionals, with each member bringing a unique background, qualities and approach to their work. This team is comprised of Licensed Psychologist Pamela MacDonald, Counsellors Lisa Savage and Jordan Hannah, and Counselling Intern Jill Connors. A corresponding range of fees applies, although coverage for services can be limited depending on a client’s insurance provider.

Finding a good fit is important in therapy, as the therapeutic relationship is the most significant factor in predicting positive changes. The MCC team knows that this can be a trial and error process, and they support a change in therapist when necessary. Being able to do what they love, individually and as a group, sharing resources and professional development workshops and courses, and collaborating for group therapy is a blessing and an opportunity for them to make a positive difference in the world.
Therapy is offered for the following issues: depression, anxiety, stress, PTSD, anger, addictions, self-esteem issues, marital problems, and personality disorders. Group therapy also will begin soon.

Miramichi Counselling Centre is located in the South Side Medical Centre at 629 Water Street. It is fully compliant with all covid-19 requirements for in-person sessions. However, clients who prefer to access counselling off-site may do so through telephone or virtual sessions.

Those interested in learning more about the Centre’s team and services are invited to visit the MCC website at www.miramichicounsellingcentre.com

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