Miramichi Wisdom Tours
The Miramichi Region Tourism Association Inc. (MRTA) is offering tours for local and visiting seniors called Wisdom Tours.
The idea behind this type of event is the exchange of information between the local and visiting senior. Seniors have so much to offer in the way of skills and history to share with others. MRTA also plans to have senior volunteers work with students at the Visitor Information Centres so this exchange can occur between student and senior.
These tours are every Friday with perhaps occasional days for special events at a minimum cost.
Joyce LeBlanc, Project Coordinator for the MRTA says they will be offering half-day and full day trips to various local tourism destinations including Doaktown, Boiestown and Escuminac. “Miramichi has so much beauty, heritage and culture to see that we have 16 exciting packages put together which includes all of this and more.”
Some of the destinations will be locations featured in the Miramichi Memories booklet, including the Miramichi Conservation Centre, Historic Homes Tour, Woodsmen’s Museum and Atlantic Salmon Museum.
The Wisdom Tours will be at a minimum cost to cover admissions only and TransMaritime Shuttle Service will be the touring van.
There will be two pick-up and drop-off locations–the Visitor Information Centre at Ritchie Wharf in Newcastle and the Visitor Information Centre on Hwy 11 in Chatham.
Brochures with the tour schedule are placed at various locations including both Visitor Information Centres and is also available online at www.MiramichiWisdomTours.com
For more information call (506)778-8444 or email at

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