Sham-Rockin’ the Miramichi! Festivals Celebrating 50 Years in July 2013!

shamrockThe Rock ‘n Roll Festival and Canada’s Irish Festival in Miramichi have come together this year in an exciting new promotion called “Sham-Rockin’ the Miramichi!” which has the festivals sharing advertising and volunteer resources to benefit the entire Miramichi Region.

“We are so excited to be partnering together to bring more people and more fun to the Miramichi. We are both getting ready to celebrate important milestones this year,” organizers from both festivals said in a written statement.

Collectively the festivals will mark 50 years on the Miramichi this July when the Irish Festival turns 30 and the Rock ‘n Roll Festival celebrates 20 years.

“The boards of directors of both festivals have long helped each other by volunteering. We have worked for years separately to bring quality, exciting and fun festivals to the Miramichi, imagine what we can do together! Together we reach more people and bring more to the area. With the help and blessing of our respective boards we will be able to double our advertising for each festival at a fraction of the cost. We have forged a wonderful partnership between the festivals which can only benefit the entire City of Miramichi.”

Mark the dates in your calendar and book your holidays! The Miramichi Rock ‘n Roll Festival happens July 4-7, 2013 and Canada’s Irish Festival on the Miramichi runs July 18-21, 2013.

For more information on the Rock ‘n Roll Festival visit their website at, email or telephone (506) 627-0780 / 1-866-765-6765. For more information on Canada’s Irish Festival on the Miramichi visit their website at, email or telephone (506) 778-8810.

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