Miramichi Lumber Hope to Reopen July 2015
On January 6, 2015 Miramichi Lumber experienced a serious setback from a fire that destroyed its electrical and optimization systems. The damage to the building and equipment was extensive from the fire and the water.
“We expect to have the insurance process completed by the end of February and will then start the four to five month process of rebuilding the electrical and optimization systems,” says president Danny Anderson.
Miramichi Lumber ceased operations at the saw mill for the winter, due to a shortage of crown saw logs, on December 31st, 2014. The Miramichi sawmill employs 60 people and had run for 20 weeks in 2014 on saw logs, compared to 17 weeks in 2013.
The planer/kiln facility in Boiestown ceased operations in January, putting an additional 15 employees out of work. The woodlands division will continue to operate until the spring thaw. The woodlands division had planned on accumulating 25000 M3 of saw logs at the saw mill to reopen both facilities in late April 2015.
Miramichi Lumber is working with Minister Fraser, Minister Natural Resources Denis Landry and Minister of Economic development Rick Doucette to find solutions to the saw log utilization on License 3 and to permit Miramichi Lumber to repair the damages from the January 6th fire. If successful the mill will be able to reopen in July 2015.
The company’s crown saw log deliveries for 2014 were 54,000 cubic metres – 1225 truckloads (44,000 cubic metres for 2013 – 1000 truckloads). The operation consumes up to 100 truckloads of logs per week.
The company continued improvements in its efficiencies in 2014 and has plans to open the Blackville drying and dressing facility in August 2015, creating 20 new jobs in Blackville.

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