Miramichi Emergency Centre for Women Inc.
We believe that violence against women is unacceptable and that nobody deserves to be abused. We believe that children should not have to witness violence, nor live in fear. We believe that each woman has the right to decide for herself the direction of her life, according to her own values and needs. We offer support with the choices she makes.
We offer a 24 hour telephone crisis line (506) 622–8865 or 1-800-888-836-1016 for individuals seeking information, support, and assistance regarding any issues involving domestic violence.
The Miramichi Emergency Centre for Women Inc. provides a safe and supportive residence 24 hours per day, 365 days of the year for women who are in an abusive relationship. Women may come with or without their children. Girls wishing to utilize our residential services must be 16 years or older if not accompanied by their mother. Boys aged 15 years and younger are welcome to accompany their mothers. Boys 16 years of age and older and dependents of their mother will be assessed on an individual basis. Note: We are a wheelchair accessible facility.
We also provide two Outreach services to women. An Outreach Worker can visit you to help with doing a danger assessment, develop a safety plan and/ or provide support. Call Jessica at (506) 778–6496 or if you are an Aboriginal woman off reserve or live in Burnt Church, Eel Ground and Red Bank call Jeannie at (506) 627-4743.
Chi Bucks
Where to pay Chi Bucks Toonie:
- Curtis Corner Irving
- N & J Convenience (Scholten’s)
- Miramichi Meats (Comeau’s)
- Nordin Esso
- Sobey’s (Douglastown)
- City Limits(Napan)
- Canadian Tire Gas Bar
- Supervalue (Chatham)
- Circle K Irving Blackville
- Sunny Corner General Store
- Clouds Convenience Red Bank
- Renous Quick Mart
Toonies are due every Tuesday by 1 pm.
We would also like to share with you what we do with Chi Bucks:
- 5% goes to the food bank
- Maintenance & Repair of the house
- Specialized counselling for residents
- Training sessions for staff
- Children’s programs (playground equipment, special diets, transportation to school)
‘ChiBang 2018
‘Chibang is a fundraiser event in support of the Miramichi Emergency Centre for Women Inc. and will be taking place on February 24th, 2018 at the Rodd Miramichi. ‘Chibang is an evening for both men and women who support the mandate of helping and empowering women and their families in our community. This spectacular evening offers live entertainment (Jeff Hogan), a Chinese auction, a half and half draw, door prizes and a grand door prize to be honoured to a ‘Chibang ticket holder! This will be our second annual ‘Chibang fundraiser and we are anticipating a full house with approximately 200 people in attendance.

Giv’er Miramichi is about “What’s up, what’s new, what’s happening”. We are focused on building people up, supporting one another and celebrating our successes.