Giv'er Miramichi

By Giv'er Miramichi / August 27, 2003 /

Yesterday’s interviews went well. Yay! I got a press release the other day. I thought I’d better post it here because the grand opening will have taken place before the next issue of Bread ‘n Molasses goes live. A lot of people I talk to swear by pilates and yoga as the best way to…

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By Giv'er Miramichi / August 26, 2003 /

Check the archives for the entries from last week. Today is an interview day and the final week before Bread ‘n Molasses September goes live. So far, everything seems to be right on schedule. I’m feeling pretty good about articles I’ve written and the overall content of the new issue. When I say today is…

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By Giv'er Miramichi / August 22, 2003 /

TGIF! I got a great suggestion the other day from one of our readers. She wanted me to write a novel online, here in the blog, so you guys could follow the progress. “Hold on a minute! Let’s not go crazy!” I said. “I mean I wrote about how insane I get when I’m writing…

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By Giv'er Miramichi / August 20, 2003 /

I think I can safely say I am the quietest person around our office. Because I don’t say much some people think I’m shy, others think I’m stuck-up, and some might even think I’m not too bright. Of course, none of it is true — I’m just part of that really rare breed of people…

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By Giv'er Miramichi / August 19, 2003 /

An interesting thing happened yesterday that really got me thinking about what it means to live here in the Miramichi Region — about what it means to be a Miramichier. In the newspaper sometimes you see letters from tourists overwhelmed by gratitude toward Miramichiers who have gone above and beyond to help them through a…

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By Giv'er Miramichi / August 18, 2003 /

Earlier today I updated the archives, so if you missed anything look for it there. A little bird whispered in my ear today. He told me some new voices might show up around these pages pretty soon. Hmmm. Wonder who’s dropping by? Remember to check back often and see. Preparation on the next issue of…

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By Giv'er Miramichi / August 13, 2003 /

My apologies for not blogging more often this week. I’m still waiting for the rest of the crew to jump in and share some of their thoughts. Interesting people with great ideas and lots of insight surround me, but slowing them down long enough to blog is a challenge. And speaking of challenges, here’s one…

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By Giv'er Miramichi / August 11, 2003 /

On the weekend I took some time to set up an Archives page and put all the back entries there. From now on, I’ll archive the blog every week and start a fresh page. But nothing will be deleted, just check the archives for anything you may have missed. I remember reading this poem years…

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By Giv'er Miramichi / August 9, 2003 /

Because of the Mighty Miramichi web cam, last month I had the opportunity to attend some of the Irish Festival events. I’ve never been to an Irish Festival before. I guess it’s one of those things I’ve never done because it’s so easy to do that I never made it a priority. I’m part Irish…

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By Giv'er Miramichi / August 8, 2003 /

Is it humid enough for you? And how about this gloomy rainy weather! It’s not a great beginning to the end of summer, but I’m hoping things will brighten up soon. I read an interesting article on CBC today about the Sobey Award. $50, 000 is a big chunk of change for anyone, let alone…

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By Giv'er Miramichi / August 6, 2003 /

Every month there are stories I want to include in Bread ‘n Molasses that don’t make the deadline. At the beginning of the month, the plan starts out pretty simple with a few story ideas on a list, but as the month progresses the list grows and I run out of time before everything gets…

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By Giv'er Miramichi / August 4, 2003 /

By the way . . . Happy New Brunswick Day! If you want peace of mind, Leave your worries far behind, Won’t you come back with me, To that land down by the sea, Where the tall timbers grow, In the valleys green below, Reaching up to the hills Of New Brunswick. With the sweet…

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By Giv'er Miramichi / August 4, 2003 /

About Bread ‘n Molasses . . . I slept a little late on Saturday so I didn’t get started on it until after noon. But I worked the rest of the day and all evening until about 11pm, mostly on the Tall Ships story, so I could put the issue to bed and send out…

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